July 20, 2009


Last Friday's potluck at Weihan's place

(weihan's fruit salad was superb btw!)chen always looks so hilarious in photosmanly talkits too dark without flash, but hongyi was trying to eat chen in the photo. I wonder why...does chen look that appetizing? haha
with flash, brighter and better, but everyone looked so serious!game of drunken elephant, our favorite game at all gatherings.
Here's how it goes: randomly take out 4 cards from the deck, and try to equate 21 using all 4 cards only once, you can + - x or /. So for example, let' s say the 4 cards are : 10, 9, 9, 6. So one possible answer would be : 9 x9 - 6 x 10= 21 or (9-6) x 10 - 9= 21.

so whoever got it will tap on the table, or you can pretend you get it and tap too. The last person who didnt tap will get to pick one person out and ask him for the answer. If that person has the answer, the last person will keep the cards. If that person is just faking it and doesnt have the answer, he will keep the cards. So the game goes until the whole deck has been used up, and the person with the most cards will have to drink. Besides that, those with any cards on their hands have to do the drunken elephan forfiet and spin like an elephant for a no. of rounds = no. of cards they have. If you think hard enough, most of any 4 random cards can be solved to form 21! go try!


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