October 04, 2007


Even though mid-terms aint exactly over, mugging for it has been so stressful i really need a break. After econs mid terms, went vivo with Yvonne while we waited for Georgina. We spent a good one hour in total, just walking around candy empire, gushing at all the delicious candies and snacks and fighting the temptation to just buy everything in the store. I swear, if im not so concerned about gaining weight, i would have bought a whole basket full of stuff. Unfortunately, i had been eating out so often lately i have to control myself. So in the end, all i bought was some chocolates.

And then, it's Brewerkz! I had the invites for Cleo's Fashion award party on the same day, but decided to give it a miss since there's 3 of us and the invites only allow 2 :( But still, eating was just plain fun! Who cares about models and fashion when there's good food anyway :)
Brewerkz BBQ'd Combo
Fish N Chips
The servings were so huge! I cant believe 3 of us girls actually ordered so much food! In the end we were just so full we didnt even eat desserts. Sadly. :(
Girls, next up, Greenwood Fish Market & Bistro!
By the way, Jiang drove me home, for the first time since he passed his driving last week! Oh my, forgive me for saying this, but my boyfriend just looks so cool when he drives haha.

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