September 01, 2007

Eski Bar

After dinner was drinks at EskiBar.
Brr~ freaking coldFlame of Glory. It's something like flaming Lamborghini, but stronger. And i had to be the one to finish it up and immediately after that, i started feeling giddy and warm. Then the world started to spin and i couldnt even walk straight. I was in such a bad shape the girls had to send me home.On the way back, i felt so queasy i puked on the overhead bridge. Yucks, so disgusting. Super unglam. And i only had that one drink. Talk about low alcohol tolerance. But there again, it contained absinthe which was very alcoholic so maybe i wasnt that bad a drinker but I swear i will never drink such a thing ever again, feeling sick and puking isnt my idea of fun. But well, it was an experience on the last day of my teenage year haha. And thank god i didnt have a hangover. Not a good idea to have a hangover on the first day of your 20th.The rest of the drinks which i didnt even touch cos i felt so sick after that flame of glory. I love you babes! *Muackz*

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