August 28, 2006

ok, people have been asking my why im so upset. Actually its no big deal, just that i didnt make it into dance. I really couldnt understand, i've got all the steps right. Even patrick, my instructor, says that there shouldnt be a problem and i deserve to get in. Albert from jitterbugs said i am good. People around me have been giving me so much hope and i actually thought that i could make it. Sometimes i just wish people wouldnt give me so much hope as i always end up falling deep. Im really disappointed and regretful. I thought of giving up, but jianglei made me realise that if it's dancing that i love, it doesnt matter whether i dance in jitterbugs, danceblast,in a club or even at home.Maybe im not good enough, but i will become better.

Michael Jordan was rejected by his high school basketball team but he's now a star of NBA. Elvis Presley’s music teacher at L. C. Humes High School in Memphis gave him a C and told him he couldn’t sing .The Beatles were rejected in 1962 by the Decca, Pey, Philips, Columbia and HMV labels.These remain my inspirations. So i've fallen, but i will crawl up like i've always do. Im that kind that need to fail before my fighting spirit can be ignited, my unwilingless to admit defeat strengtened my determination. I will show everyone that i do have the calibre to be a fantastic dancer.

Just watch me.


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