December 23, 2005

Finally went shopping on wed after so long. There were sales everywhere, but i couldn't find anything i like.
Noticed something interesting. remember the guess bag that jianglei bought for me earlier on? well, the price of it sort of doubled. Despite reducing the price coz its on sales now, it is still more ex than the amount he paid for . So sales arent really sales after all. they marked up the prices and pretended to give you like 50% discount, when in fact, the original price was just as much.

AlX tanktop or tshirt? the prices are about the same. I like the black top but jiangei prefers the white tshirt. but i have too many t shirts already! HOW?
went for faction outing today. We had steamboat BBQ at marina south. I wished i had eaten more, but somehow, my appetite had shrunk since i got sick. those who know me well should know that im a greedy pig with an appetite that doesnt quite look my size. But these few days, i got hungry easily and yet, i feel bloated easily too. Wonder if its a good or bad thing.

with fiona, whom i haven't spoken to in ages.


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